Rajesh Kalra

Friday 11 December 2015

Birding in Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh, the largest state in India is bestowed with unique natural resources to cater for both resident and migratory birds besides a wide variety of animals and plants. It is one of the finest states in India in terms of variety of its bird life. The rivers like Ganges, Yamuna, Rapti and Gandak which originate in the Himalayas traverse longest distance of their journey in the state. The meandering river system, the ox bow lakes formed and other wetlands provide a magnificent natural habitat for birds. Apart from this the sub-montane regions between Himalayas and plains, the alluvial Gangetic plains and the southern hills and plateaus provide the best ecotones to sustain the birdlife. It is an ode to the resilience, benevolence, tolerance and conservation consciousness of the people of the state that such diverse plant and animal populations continue to coexist with humans. Migrating birds flying over 5000 kilometres above 8500 metres high from regions like Europe, Tibet, Siberia and China make Uttar Pradesh their home during months starting from October to February. These wetlands are covered by a layer of migratory birds in search of food. It is estimated that out of 1300 species of birds found in India, Uttar Pradesh caters to over 500 species. 13 species which are categorised as globally threatened and near threatened species like Slender Billed Vulture, Bengal Florican, Black Bellied Tern, Sarus Crane, Indian Skimmer, Black Necked Stork etc., find better habitat conditions in Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh Bird Festival 2015

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